I'm Kirsten Warner, life and business coach, and recovering wall-flower. I help heart-centered entrepreneurs break free from self-doubt and grow their visibility online so they can make the impact & income they're here to make.


Being seen has never been easy for me. As a kid, I learned that the way to stay safe was to be invisible. But as shy and self-doubting as I was, I also somehow knew it didn't have to be this way.


I'm Kirsten Warner, life and business coach, and recovering wall-flower. I help heart-centered entrepreneurs break free from self-doubt and grow their visibility online so they can make the impact & income they're here to make.


Being seen has never been easy for me. As a kid, I learned that the way to stay safe was to be invisible. But as shy and self-doubting as I was, I also somehow knew it didn't have to be this way.

I dedicated my life to searching for another way...


I studied ancient philosophies and world religions, meditated with gurus high in the Himalayas, read every self-help book I could find, got a degree in psychology. I worked with shamans and healers, attended countless personal development workshops and got trained in somatic therapy and trauma. I went on silent retreats, climbed mountains, studied and taught yoga for twenty five years, got certified in group leadership, went to years of therapy, led women's circles, chanted in ashrams, and just about every other soul-searching, heart-opening, mind-expanding thing you can think of.


Still, despite three decades of deep inner work, I found myself in a life that looked "fine" on the outside but felt empty within. I had an okay business, a nice enough house, and a good relationship, but still, something was missing. Every morning, I woke up feeling anxious and overwhelmed, knowing I wasn't where I was supposed to be or doing what I was meant to do.  

To avoid the intensity of what I was feeling, I numbed out with overeating, drinking, and binge-watching Netflix. I lost energy, gained weight, and felt like something inside me was dying.

Right around this time, while in a bookstore in India, a book suddenly fell off a shelf and into my hands. 

It was on the goddess Kali, a fierce symbol of personal transformation. She reminds us that sometimes we need to let go of what’s familiar, to move towards what’s true. Even (and especially) when it gets uncomfortable. 

I stayed up most of that night reading. Every word reinforced what I already knew in my heart. I was on the verge of a major change. And it wasn’t going to be pretty.

The very next day, in the suffocating heat of the Old Delhi Metro Station, I got my first ever panic attack. My transformation had officially begun. 

I now had no choice but to learn to work with my mind in an entirely new way. As unbelievable as it was that after 30 years of teaching yoga, I could suddenly develop a panic disorder, I quickly began to see it as one of the biggest gifts of my life. It forced me to learn to take control of my mind for real. 

Once I tapped into this power, going back to a life that was ‘fine’ was no longer an option. 



Freedom. Love. Abundance. Play.


It was time to stop hiding. When I first got on TikTok, it was to face my resistance head on and get over my fear of being seen. I never could have imagined the love and support and amazing community that I found there.  Not to mention the growth to over half a million people. In fact, if you had told me that within a few years I would have a multiple 6 figure coaching business, helping other women grow their confidence and visibility online, I doubt I would have believed you. 

But here we are.  

And – After investing over $120,000 on super high-level coaching over the last four years, I am literally overflowing with how much I have to share. Because here's the thing: I freakin' LOVE being able to bring all the juicy wisdom I've gained over these years to help amazing souls like you unlock your potential, show up as your authentic self and let your light shine bright.

You deserve to wake up every day feeling excited, energized, and totally in love with your life and biz. No more settling, no more shrinking, no more putting your dreams on hold. It's time to go all-in on creating the success and happiness you've been craving, and I'm here to support you every step of the way.

My mission is to empower you to:

- Break free from limiting beliefs and make your big, scary dreams a reality

- Confidently share your magic with the world (no more hiding!)

- Master the art of aligned authentic marketing (this means doing things YOUR way)

- Create an abundant AF biz and life you're wildly obsessed with

Through my signature programs, you'll get:

- Mindset tools to quiet self-doubt and step into your power

- Techniques to calm your nervous system so you can show up more fully without freaking out

- Energetic practices turn up the volume on what makes you, you and magnetize your ideal clients

- Proven strategies to grow your online presence & skyrocket your visibility

- Personalized support to help breakthrough old patterns, drop the imposter syndrome, excuses, and perfectionism